
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Does expectation really leads to assumption?

We always tend to manifest things that are not yet tangible or out of reach. But why do we do this? Is it because this is the future that we want to see? Is it because this is the illusion that we want to dive in?

Past experiences teaches us to not fall for the same mistake. However, sudden burst of happy feelings nullify this and give us hope that the new one is different and the outcome is worth fighting for.

Sometimes we tend to ignore the prima facie evidence of someone being a red flag or skip to the good part while the bad part is already showing in front of us because we feel loved and important. We get lost and no longer keep track of reality since what we see and hear makes us or give us bliss along the way. A promising one that we will forever cherish.

Since our mind is overshadowed with fulfillment and happiness, a small bump is being ignored or a tiny mistake is taken for granted. No one to blame since it gives us excitement and joy while we ride the journey along the way. But what if we stopped for a bit and have a reality checked? Would it hurt if do a small pause just to make sure everything is still intact. I don’t think so.

I know it’s hard to wake up from a dream that we always want to indulge in. A wish that we always hope that will eventually come true. But we should always remember and consider that everything is not perfect as it seems. 

We should always remember that all the best things in life don’t have flaws or negative consequences. That everything must always come to an end. Thus, we should be also be vigilant and not consumed by the expectations that we always longed for. Little do we realize that our expectation only gave us a hiccup of happiness that will soon lead us to heart-breaking situation and end up with a dreadful assumption.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Ready to fall in love again?

There are instances in our lives that being alone and not be bothered makes us feel calm and contented. But in reality, we’re just taking a break and moment of silence. A break from traumatic experience and wrongful decisions from sudden burst of emotions. A moment of silence from the noises of pressure and despair of not finding the right one for us.

But what if we meet someone unexpectedly? A person who we don’t know but gives a little spark. A spark that is enough to light a match and gives light that will wake our sleeping fantasy. Will you just ignore it since it might just be another false alarm which only leads to another delusion? Or will you give it a chance and grab it in hoping that it’s the right window or door that we’ve been waiting to open?

No one knows what the future holds. Thus, making a small opening to our heart and letting someone get inside may not be a big of a trouble. However, don’t let it be the same feeling that succumbed you to desperation and heartbreak. Just give a small chance but not expecting anything in return. Making it simple where if it works, then it works. If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t. Don’t make it complicated and just go with the flow but not yet investing emotions and not getting things deeper in a swift. Taking things slow and letting itself unravel along the way.

There’s no such thing as waiting for the right moment for us to open our hearts again to others. Instead, we must be ready to seize the opportunity that is presented to us when we see it’s the perfect timing and it’s the right decision for us to venture again. We just don’t wait and not do anything. We need to prepare ourselves and be ready that it could be the right time for us to feel important. The right time for us to be accepted and valued. The right time for us to fall in love again.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Could it just be another irish wish?

What if what we see is not really what we’re looking for? What if the dream we dreamed was supposedly the opposite of the reality we need to live in? What if the person offered to us is not really the right one? What if the fantasy we seek is just an illusion of what we truly deserve? Will you take the risk to differ or will you stay and not knowing things could be better?

Wanting something may not be the thing we needed. A want for longing but not the one we need to satisfy our sense of belonging. A want for accepting but not the one we need which will wholeheartedly embrace us with no need for thinking. Just another want just to satisfy a part of us but not the actual thing we truly need to make us feel complete but not in a rush.

Living in your usual life could just be lie and won’t show what we really sought after. It could just be something we need to see but not really what we wanted. Are we willing to just accept it and just go with the flow not knowing it’s not the future worth fighting and living for? Hence, we better think twice and decide on the path we need to choose with nothing to lose.

As a child, we have our own wishes. Wish to be rich once we grow old but never gives satisfaction once achieved. Wish to be accepted by everyone with the exception of not by the one person who truly matters most. Wish that we need to experience first to teach us a lesson and enlighten us before we make abrupt decision and not carefully thinking it and just making another irish wish.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

We are who we are

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a change of scenery? A change of environment? Or a change of pace in our life? A life where we are no longer afraid of people around judging us? A world where we no longer need to pretend of who we are and what we want? Silly it may sound but who knows right?

Once in our lives, we were judged and scrutinized by the way we talk, we walk, and the way we act. We are also judged by our own decisions since it’s unusual or not the norm. We are also judged by the way we see things which is odd in the eyes of others. But do we really need to care about what they say or what they think?

We often change or adhere to the usual way since we’re scared of what people may perceive about us. We are also afraid of the negative effects of our unusual actions to our friends and loved ones. But are we really happy and contented by lying to ourselves? Lying which is sacrificing our own story and what we could’ve been?

In this era that we lived in now, people will always have something to say even if we did it their way or alleviates with their beliefs and standards. Why can’t we just be ourselves and do what we think is right from our own perspectives. Living free and taking risks with no regrets and what ifs. At the end of the day, no one can control our lives but us and only us alone.

Let’s take a leap of faith not worrying of others might think or feel about it. We are born this way and what we do is none of their business. This is what we choose and this is the path that we want to take. We are who we are.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Save the best for last?

In a world full of heartbreaks and sadness, can we really still find the right and hopefully the last one for us? The one who’ll stay and be with our side no matter what? I still believe and trust that it will still happen.

They say there are people who are hopeless romantic. Hopeless romantic to find the perfect match? Hopeless romantic to finally meet the person we long to have? Hopeless romantic to end our delusions to infinite love with no limitations.

Along the way, we meet different individuals. One that will satisfy our lust but will end with no fuss. One that will help us to grow but will eventually leave us once we’re at the peak and hit us a big blow. There could also be someone that will shape our personality and help us change for the better but no longer gives a damn in an instant when things go south and when life gets harder.

Living a life full of failures and disappointments, we tend to lose hope and interest that someday, somehow, we’ll still meet and end up with the person that we truly deserve. It may not be the perfect person (who’s perfect anyway?) nor the perfect relationship but it’s the person who was and has always been there which you’ll finally end up with. Not pretentious, not sugarcoating and has no filter. Just simply the last one who was prepared and saved as the best that will surely last.

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Who would’ve thought that two people will meet at an unexpected time and instance? Two individuals who are not longing for love, care, and attention suddenly cross paths. It seemed impossible but it happened.

It’s like two different worlds accidentally bumped into each other by fate and by chance. Both not looking for anything but just enjoying life as it is. Two lives not expecting from anyone and just happy being single.

Maybe it’s true that life is really unpredictable. Anything can happen and anything can also end. Anything can happen like meeting someone who you’ll never think will come to your life. Anything can happen like teasing and conversation will lead to learning and understanding. Anything can also end like the feeling of being unwanted and not deserving to be loved.

Indeed life is really full of surprises. Like a line from a popular movie which says: “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.” We may not be planned to meet in this world but might be destined for one another.

They say right love at the wrong time. But what if we change it to unexpected love at an unexpected time. Unexpected conversations turns into unexpected connections. Unexpected pastimes diverts to unexpected bondings.

Let’s just leave the relationship unexpected and who knows; we might get the respect, attention, importance, and love that we deserve unexpectedly.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Is it worth it?

Was there a time where you fall in love with someone but was given the opportunity to get to know the person but something seems ain’t right along the way? You feel important at first but suddenly being with him/her is like a tragedy that about to happen.

Loving someone may take time but how long? With every moment, every chances, it falls apart and you’re being taken for granted. The time spent is not progressing and it appears to be just being wasted.

I know we have different love languages. But what if that special someone have none for you. It’s like keeping the light on just to say there’s a light. It’s like saying I love you but that person doesn’t know the true meaning of love.

Is it worth it to be with the person who doesn’t show any importance or doesn’t even acknowledge your effort? It it worth it to linger on every instances you’re together but it feels a burden to the other person instead of cherishing every moments you’re together? Is it worth it just to say you have a special someone but doesn’t treat you special and you’re just one of the those strangers that come to his/her life? Tell me, if it’s still worth it?

Friday, March 31, 2023

Trust or Bypass?

Just when you thought you feel at ease talking, sharing secrets, giving your trust to that someone, then suddenly you found out that the feeling is not mutual. Do you think it’s fair or unjust? Do you think you’re being selfless or just plain selfish? Do you think it’s because you’re too shy or because you’re worrying too much that may result to lie?

Before you do things or act on something, please bear in mind what the other party might feel. Be it simple or complex situation, there’s nothing more relaxing to feel if someone trust you and comfortable sharing it with you. If not, then why the need to stay and waste your time to be with that special one.

Small conflicts can lead to big misunderstandings and even total breakups. If you don’t know something, then you can always ask. If you’re unsure, then try to find out. If you’re not aware, then search and investigate. But please, just make sure you find the answer first to that special someone instead from a total stranger.

Relationship is not a one sided feeling. It’s a product of shared thoughts and emotions. A result of a mutual understanding cultivated from honesty, loyalty, and trust.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Affection turning to delusion

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I know we are only human. Making mistakes and falling in love. But why do we need to endure heartaches and suffering from simply wanting to find the perfect one? Is this how the world revolves? Is this nature doing it’s sole purpose? Is this something pre-planned before we even been conceived?

When we get attracted to someone, is it really because we want them or just simply because we want to escape our sad reality? Don’t let the good looks fool you. Don’t let the mere kindness indulge you. Sometimes they just do it because it’s what they want us to see and feel even if it’s not even genuine.

Finding true happiness isn’t always satisfying your eyes. Finding your inner peace isn’t always feeling important. We should not make it a habit of justifying wrong doings as the same as giving benefit of the doubt. If something ain’t right, then please open your eyes, heart, and mind. Don’t be weak to face the actual situation. And don’t be afraid to ask and answer the question that it’s just an affection leading to delusion.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Learn when to let go and move on but never forget

In a snap, someone may enter and touch our lives. Unexpectedly, we get attach to a stranger blindfolded. Then the question sinks to our minds. Is it destiny that will make us whole and happy? Or just an accident that will hurt us and feel angry?

Life is full of surprises. Just like the famous movie line: “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get”. We meet people everyday and bump into someone’s world which we may accept or not worthy to stay and just deflect. But what if we choose the former? We live and try to understand that person’s environment just to please him/her to the point it changes us and it made us feel weak and undervalued.

If that’s the case, then we may want to reconsider and rethink our decision. Evaluate our feelings if it’s still worth the sacrifice and gave up a lot. I know it’s hard to find the perfect one for us but don’t make the pursue a one side race where chasing seems to be the end game instead of meeting along the way.

Letting go may seem hard, but why stay if you’re the only one holding the rope and the other side is not even making an effort to make it sturdy and his/her actions is like a fire trying to burn it.

Yes it’s hard to move on since we need to stop our eagerness to talk to that person, hard to stop caring, and hard to erase all the memories you shared and cherish. However, moving on doesn’t mean we need to forget. We may become strangers again to each other’s life but the mementos we have will remind us that it made us happy and at the same time teaches us that loving someone is never an excuse to forget to love ourselves.

Just like a bird soaring and freely flying in the sky, don’t let your happiness depend on another person. We are important, happy, and deserves to be loved just the way we are.