
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

What if we take it slow and keep it low?

In this fast-paced environment, what if we just take it slow? Making one move and one step at a time. Creating simple moments for every single occasion. Sometimes we never lose control of our goals and ourselves if we just chill out and won’t make decisions abruptly.

In a world full of expectations and indefinite reality, what if we just lay-low and contemplate? In this era of ever changing and instant happenings, living and enjoying every moments give us more satisfaction instead of following the new trends.

We could also take a pinch of privacy. Relish the peaceful and anonymity of life. Not everything should be tell and sell cause there’s a possibility it will fell and tear in the end. I’m not saying being famous and loud is bad, but what if we learn to keep some parts of us hidden? Hidden from demeanors mocking. Hidden from the public eyes that judge us even when there’s none to hunch and away from a bunch of mutts.

Let’s settle and live a life with no worries. Let’s give time a break and be discreet of our personal matters. Waiting won’t hurt and concealing won’t be a target for someone who’s only intention is to lurk.