What do we really point out when we speak of the word: "insanity"? Should we abruptly stereotype it with lunatic individuals who lost their control over the composure of their minds or even totally lost their ability to think on their own?
The word insanity does not lie on that old known wisdom alone, it can be of different understanding it intended to be. One is insane for the lack of nobility to overcome trials that challenge a person. Insane for remorse for the things that we failed to try that can make us better as a human. Insane for bringing the memory of the past that should not be brought back which only opens up and even aggravate the wounds of the old times. And insane for looking too stupid for devoting yourself to a person for the sake of love which the other party does not appreciate and does not return back.
Insanity can be cured, hard but plausible especially on the last part enumerated.
It can be healed through deep excavation of your totality, drilling the innermost part of yourself which has been seriously infected and pulling it out through the use of a medium. A medium which can take form of a person that is always there for you when you need help, of a thing that is always visible when other things seem to become unclear, and even of a a place that doesn't change it's greatfullness whether you leave or not and whether you swear at it or praise it.
A medium which becomes your outlet. Outlet to vent your anger, to express your disappointment, to utter grievances, and to absorb all the failures and heartaches that you feel and return a placid and endless feeling of safeness, happiness, and a complete appreciation of life's goodness...