
Monday, March 2, 2020


Why do people lie? Is it to make them feel loved and important? Is it peer pressure? Was it out of curiosity? Or was it because that’s your personality? Your personality of being selfish and foolish?

Little do we know that creating a false statement may create a big effect on other’s lives. We may not see it or hear it but who we are to make someone’s life in despair.

If we keep it real and simple at the beginning, would you think the other side will still be as caring and hopeful? You may not ruin your own feelings but I assure you it belittle the other person and make them feel unease along the way.

Why mess with someone so kind and generous to you? Why need to use them? Is it for the sake of feeling important and have a story to tell which adds to your numerous lies?

Just tell me why?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Patience is indeed a virtue...

They say love comes in mysterious ways. Sometimes it happens without us knowing. Sometimes it’s a product of silly conversation. It’s a sudden emotion which fluctuates easily and hits you deeply.

When you fall in love with someone, we tend to forget who we really are and what we really are. Love is not a one sided emotion. Love should always be mutual. You don’t demand love to come to you, instead, it should be wholeheartedly be given back to you.

Finding the right person ain’t easy. It takes time, effort, and even courage for it to show. It could just be there right in front of you but may end up bizarrely when taken out of context.

We say love makes us happy. It creates an ecstatic feeling where we enter a fantasy. A dream like state of mind and forget the lucidity of the situation. In short, it makes us insane and fragile. Fragile and susceptible of being hurt and be fooled. It covers and alleviate our pains and sufferings for a short period of time. Another mechanism that allows us to escape from reality.

Love is a give and take relationship. We may not receive what we gave instantly but who knows, it only takes tad bit more time. You don’t rush someone to love you back. You teach them why they should feel the same way you do. You give them time to contemplate on why they should also do the same to you. The question you should ask now is not why, but how?

The answer is simple, you give time. You give time allow them to know you more. You give time for them to explore who you really are and if your intention is sincere and true. A relationship cultivated by time and effort is like a tall sturdy building where it’s hard to be penetrated by outside world’s negativity and can’t easily climbed by an opportunistic lunatic.

Invest in time and not just pure emotion so you can harvest a meaningful, fruitful, and infinite two sided relationship where you can both benefit from a more positive inspiration.